Photographers please take note
Please note Kooroomba is privately owned and permission for commercial shots or photo shoots with crew members exceeding more than 1 individual (including models) or involving equipment (tripod and accessories), drones or other DSLR cameras has to be obtained by the owners of Kooroomba Vineyard and Lavender Farm
It is illegal to take pictures or film without permission and the owners reserve the right to take legal action.


Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Describe your image.

Select images courtesy of Scenic Rim Regional Council, Tourism and Events Queensland, Pia Davids,
Richard Muldoon , Deep Grey, Naomi Vasington, Jess Marks Photography, Heart and Colour, Jesse Purcell Films, www.figtreepictures.com, Emma Jean Photography